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The Mindful Guide
to Conflict Resolution

The book to help you go
from avoiding difficult conversations
to embracing them


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What would your life be like...

if you could approach difficult situations in a thoughtful, kind, and constructive way?
if you could go from reacting (thanks to old experiences and lingering pain), to responding to what is in front of you right now?
if you could let go of anger, regret, disappointment, resentment, and fear and instead focus on creating a deeper connection with the other party?
What if you could move past worrying about who’s winning or losing to finding solutions that both sides can appreciate and support?

The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution will inspire you to finally CLEAR UP everything and anything you have been swallowing, holding in, and grinding over, while at the same time DEEPENING and STRENGTHENING your relationships.

The techniques in this book will empower you to build such a strong connection to yourself that you forgo angry and painful reactions and easily choose mindful responses in stead.

Let mindfulness lead the way to a happier, calmer life

Listen to Rosalie discuss the Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution with Patrick Veroneau, on his Lead Like No Other podcast:

I love this book! Every one of us can benefit from Rosalie Puiman’s practical wisdom and immediately effective approaches.

Her writing style is clear, beautiful, and inviting. She first helps the reader connect to themselves and their awareness, building confidence in how they engage with others when tough moments arise. From there, she offers clear and simple how-to guidelines for wading into deep waters.

In truth, this book is not just about resolving conflicts; it’s actually an incredibly user-friendly guidebook for daily living and interaction. Thank you, Rosalie, for this gift to us all!

Alan SealeDirector of The Center for Transformational Presence & Author of Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference in a Rapidly Changing World and Create a World That Works
About the Author


Over the years of coaching and teaching leaders, Rosalie Puiman has developed a deep understanding of the underlying drivers to enable growth in personal leadership and bringing a mindful approach to communication.
The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution provides the essential tools to mindfully communicate during any challenging situation. With this practical and informative guide in hand, you have the power to transform any difficult exchange or disagreement into a positive, constructive conversation.

Together We Change
the Discourse of Difficult Conversations
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I had the opportunity to both read The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution and interview the author, Rosalie Puiman, about her book on the Lead Like No Other Podcast. Her book provides the reader with great perspectives and effective strategies to address conflict whether it is with a co-worker, a friend or a family member. I have added this book as recommended reading for the coaching and workshops I conduct on productive conflict. It is a book I recommend without hesitation.

Patrick Veroneau

I would recommend for everyone to read this book and dare to have difficult, deeper conversations. Rosalie is a talented author who clearly sets out the steps on how to have difficult conversations. I have found it personally very valuable and is a book I will often grab to refer to.

Kim S. Taylor

Love this book. Super easy to read with many great real world examples for how to apply mindful communication tactics in every kind of situation, from work to family. Highly recommended!

Melissa Ruggles

Overall, I believe this book offers some solid techniques on getting to the bottom of a conflict using a strong mindful approach that opens up the situation for healing and learning. Being able to listen effectively and provide constructive feedback is a skill that is deeply needed in today's society and I believe this book is a great stepping stone to achieve the skills required to do just that.


This book gives ons of practical tips and explains really well where 'problems' with difficult conversations arise from. It is a great tool help learn better communication skills and stop avoiding difficult conversations and conflicts.
