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Frequently Asked:

What did you do before you were a coach?

Before starting my coaching business a decade ago, I worked as an Interim Manager in the Dutch government for over 8 years. I lead various departments, advised ministers and Secretary Generals and overall had a great time. However, at one point it started to feel as if I was using my talents and skills just to keep ministers ‘in position’. That’s not what I’m here for, and I decided to quit my job & move to San Francisco on a sabbatical with my husband & two toddlers. Yay! Best decision ever!

Although, if I’m honest, I sometimes do miss leading teams…

Where are you based?

I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with my husband and two teenagers.

I work all over the world & especially online a lot.

Does coaching online have the same result?

Absolutely! My work is energy-based and energy is not limited to space & time. So luckily, there’s no loss in effectiveness when we see each other online.

Fun fact: since the pandemic, I do the majority of my sessions online, mainly because most of my clients aren’t based in the Netherlands. No problemo!

Is your coaching for everyone?

Well, honestly, no. My coaching is for people who are ready to make the changes they – deep down – know they need to make, to become the person they – deep down- know they can become.

So that’s not everyone. At all.

Also, my coaching is for people who want to be coached by me. Coaching is a personal thing, so a click is essential. You need to feel both challenged by, as well as safe with me. To explore if that’s how it is, set up a chemistry call here.

How much does 1:1 coaching cost?

I work with people 1:1 for 6 or 12 months, the investment is mid-4 numbers to low 5 numbers. The results are life changing.

Do you offer 1-off sessions?

I do not. For various reasons, but mainly because I don’t believe the result of one coaching sessions or even ThetaHealing or Introspective Hypnosis session will help you much. Even though an insight happens in a moment, it’s the implementation that’s hard and requires time, and that’s what I’m here for.


RSJP Development of Leadership

Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam: 57758824
VAT id nr: NL001752803B53

Anything else?