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If you’re here, you are among those great minds that’re eager
to improve on their lives & know that that will take some work.

I love those people!

In my VIP 1:1 coachingsessions we’ll step away from single solutions,
and get to work to make a lasting improvement in your work and your life as a whole.
Leadership coaching is not only about improving in management and development in leadership at work,
but also about improving ‘personal leadership’.
Helping you to build the life and work you want.

I offer a VIP Leadership Coaching Package: 5 coachingsessions for a very interesting price.


Of course, you can also just take 1 or 2 sessions.

Contact me to inquire about availability and pricing.
1:1 Coaching is for you if:

  • you would like to make some lasting changes in your life (work or private)
  • you want to reconnect to what makes you tick,
  • you want to improve your style in communication,
  • you’re not afraid of some challenges – big & small – in the coming months.


Make that Change Coaching Package (5 coachingsessions)

photo credit: bernissimo via photopin ccMichael
How it works:

In the course of approximately 2 months, we’ll have 5 one-on-one mentoring sessions over Skype or in person.

Each will target one or two topics, depending on your questions and goals.

We can get into any communication or people related topic you’re struggling with.
What’s included?

  • free 30 minute intake
  • Online Strengthsfinder test
  • 5 focused, 1 hour coaching sessions via Skype or in person (in Amsterdam)
  • 7.5% discount off regular session price
[pricing_element font_size=”60″ font_font=”Impact” font_style=”300″ font_color=”#24c2c7″]€750[/pricing_element] Satisfaction & service
I offer a complete money back guarantee if you decide during or
directly after our first session that this is not for you.
Tech specs:

  • Internet connection
  • Skype
  • webcam


There’s a limited availibility of these packages.

I only take on 3 VIP clients at a time, so I can give anyone the full attention they deserve.
To make sure there’s a spot left, contact me to inquire about availability.