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Can you please help me get some work of my desk?


I sure can!


  • I know your to-do-list is ever growing.
  • I know you have a team to work with.
  • I know you want to be a good leader.

I also know how to combine these 3 into 1 effective solution for your overflowing workload:


Or better yet:

succesful delegation

Get that project off your plate (by effectively delegating it) in 4 sessions

‘Successful Delegation’ is a 4 week mentoring program that combines one-on-one coaching with training. During our sessions, we will work together to get (at least) one pressing project of your plate by effectively delegating it to one of your team members.

This is what we’ll do:

  1. In our first session, we’ll pick one specific project you need to get done in the following weeks and which would be good to delegate. Together, we’ll analyze which of your team members will be the best person to delegate this project to.
  2. In the second session, we target goals, expectations, time laps etc. so you can get your team member to work safely.
  3. Our third session will evolve around how to keep your team member on track.
  4. The fourth session is focused on evaluation of the work you got from your team member and deciding if the outcomes are acceptable to you.

Because not all projects you might want to delegate have a time span of 4 consecutive weeks, we’ll plan our sessions to suit the rhythm of the project you pick to delegate

If I were to guess the top 5 questions or objections you will have about buying this program today, they would be these:

  1. What does this woman know about delegation?
  2. Is this program for me?
  3. What do I get for my money?
  4. What happens when I don’t feel happy about the program once I’m in?
  5. Why would I sign up now?

So here’s how I would clear those up for you:


1) What I know about delegation

I have been heading projects, programs and departments for almost a decade. As I write in this article about delegation, I learned how to delegate the hard way. I’m confident that I know more then enough to get you experienced too, making you work much less hard. If I have doubts, I’ll tell you. I’m all about Speaking my Truth. If you have doubts, please tell me too. I offer a complete money back guarantee (see 4).

2) This solution is for you if:

  • you know you will be more effective once you know how to delegate,
  • you are willing to delegate a serious project or task to one of your team members or employees,
  • you would like someone to help you, cheer you on and hold you accountable during the process.

3) What’s included?

  • 4 focused, 1 hour coaching sessions via Skype
  • Priority email support for the duration of your coaching
  • my 1:1 undivided attention for the duration of our work together

4) I want you to be completely without risk, so here’s my guarantee:

I guarantee you a complete money back if you decide during or directly after our first session that this is not for you.

5) You need to sign up now, because

Every day you do not start delegating, practicing it, grooming your team, you’ll be missing out on a unique, brilliant opportunity to

A. improve your leadership skills, while

B. empowering your team members to grow into the best employee they can be.


It’s really simple to get started now.


Just click the banner below and fill out the from.

delegation banner







Once you decide to get started, here’s what will happen:

You’ll receive an email from me that includes an invoice and all information you need to pay in a few simple steps (via Paypal).

After receiving your payment, I’ll contact you.

We’ll find a suitable date for our first session and we’ll get to work!
Tech specs:

  • Internet connection
  • Skype
  • webcam