But what if you fast forward to the end of your life, and you look back: what will make you feel you’ve lived a successful life?
Redefining Success…
What if succes is no longer measured through your position at work, money & external validation and recognition, but instead is measured by things that actually impact how you view your life in retrospect?
And I’m not saying you can’t choose to be wealthy, I’m not saying your impact on others isn’t relevant. I’m not even saying that how others see you is something you shouldn’t be concerned with.
What I am saying though is that our current definition of success is out of date, and that it’s nowhere near complete when we look at what makes a successful life.

Rosalie Puiman is the founder of The Sovereign Leader and the author of The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution. She works with executives and founding teams to bring forth effective, impactful and purpose-driven success.