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Many people you and I admire may seem to have it all, but if we could have a look inside their actual lives, we would find that they aren’t really happy and fulfilled at all.

They live their life in the *right* way, but they don’t feel lit up and happy as they move through their days (and weeks, months and years).

So in this month’s leadership lesson for my the Sovereign Leader Inner Circle, I’ve been diving deep into the question of how to change that around and stay connected to what lights you up.
Even when you have a busy, demanding live with many different roles and people depending on you.

I figured that maybe some of you have a similar challenge, so I thought I’d share this short clip of this month’s leadership lesson, which is about three fundamental principles to take as guidelines when you try to tackle this in your own life.

Sir Ken Robinson uses these three in his book, Finding your Element, and I think that these are the foundation for bringing back joy and contentment into your life.

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