My clients dream big, serve humbly and change the world.

It’s my role to help them do that.

You are a powerful person.

If you weren’t you wouldn’t be here.

You are open to learn, you are done making excuses, and you are ready to move towards the life you want for yourself.

In 1:1 Coaching we focus on:

  • Claiming your talents, power & strengths,
  • Learning to appreciate and validate yourself, creating Autonomy,
  • Aligning your current life with how you want it to be,
  • Developing your Personal Presence, by improving your communication and leadership.

We work on making a lasting transformation in your life and work,
so you can impact the world in the most powerful way possible.

Transformational Coaching

Coaching with me is future oriented and potential based. That means we’re not looking back to find out how things go to be the way they are, but instead, we look for the potential that is wanting to emerge. I help you gain clarity and focus, so you can move forward and have that impact you know you can have in the world. While working on improving your leadership of others, we also work on your Personal Leadership.

This type of coaching is not for everyone. You have to be ready to really look at yourself, commit and take action. 1:1 Coaching is an investment and a commitment to yourself, primarily, and it will cost you more than money. It will confront you with where you are holding yourself back and it will challenge you to take (back) the lead.

If you’re not completely there yet, but you do want to start building the life you want for yourself, a great starting point is my online personal development program Grow into Yourself or my free program that’s focused on accepting yourself for who you truly are and being balanced & connected.

Ways to work with me

I offer 1:1 one day private Immersives and private coaching programs (3-12 months):


For people who are new to high end coaching, who want to change their perspective & progress on a specific topic.


  • 1 x 90-min Deep Dive Session (in Amsterdam or via Skype)
  • 4 x 60-min follow-up sessions (in Amsterdam or via Skype)
  • 3 months to use these sessions
  • Welcome Pack

Investment in yourself€2.100 (exclusive of VAT if a company is paying)
or € 1.200 deposit
+ 2 monthly payments of € 475 


For people who want to empower themselves by getting in touch with their most impactful self and create lasting effects on their day to day life.


  • 6 month Intensive Private Program
  • 1 x 90-min Deep Dive Session (in Amsterdam or via Zoom)
  • bi-weekly sessions as needed
  • 1 Private Intensive (3 hrs) to tackle a specific problem (e.g. your big Why or powerful Communication)
  • Welcome Package
  • Email access to me in between the sessions
  • Private Client Resources page
  • 15% discount on all my other programs within 1 year from your starting date

Investment in yourself

€ 6.500  (exclusive of VAT if a company is paying)

By application only, payment plan available

Go to the application form


For people who want to live in full interaction with their highest self, creating and shaping their lives as they wish.


  • 12 month Premium Program
  • 1 x 90-min Deep Dive Session (in Amsterdam or via Zoom)
  • bi-weekly sessions as needed
  • 2 Private Intensives (3 hrs) to tackle a specific problem (e.g. your big Why or powerful Communication)
  • Welcome Package
  • Email access to me in between the sessions
  • Private Client Resources page
  • 15% discount on my other programs within 1 year from your starting date

Investment in yourself

€ 11.000 (exclusive of VAT if a company is paying)    

By application only, payment plan available

Go to the application form

What people say about working with me

Six months after my coaching with Rosalie, I wake up every day feeling happy to go to work. I do what I like to do, reset my goals and every day I look ahead at a future that is mine to design. If you want to change your life, you might have to make some though choices, and in this process, Rosalie kept me on track of what I really wanted.

Rik Snelleman

Before I worked with Rosalie I struggled with many patterns and involuntary behaviour. Rosalie's support gave me the insights and awareness to change these around.

Martine ten Ham

Since I started working with Rosalie, I resolved inner-company conflicts with other parties of the management team and improved my communication skills.
I highly recommend Rosalie as a coach and advisor to C- and VP-level management of pretty much any company.

Lutz Obermann

Rosalie really listens first and then responds. You won’t get cookie cutter answers or platitudes! She’s strong and encourages others to be so as well. Also, Rosalie is very centered. As long as I have known her, her point of view adds clarity on some of the most difficult situations I have encountered in business and life.

John Apesos

It’s great to speak to someone who really listens first and then helps you evolve to the next level, instead of backwards or even a standstill.

Mai Cha Suer

During our session, it became clear to me that there is a strong voice inside me begging me to spend time pursuing this new passion. Have I not worked with Rosalie, it wouldn't have been clear the magnitude and urgency I had deep inside my soul, to shift my priorities and the way I spent my days.

Ramona Porime Harvey

Reach out if you are interested in the Ignite Package or fill in the application form to schedule a deep dive conversation.